The Rose and Crown Pub


The Rose and Crown Pub provides refreshing beverages and on-the-go food to enhance the golfing experience at Royal Manchester Golf Links.

When you bring your friends and family to the clubhouse, you’ll be able to hear and smell the sizzling of the outdoor grill. With our attention to detail and friendly staff, you will quickly see why guests continue to come back!  Whether you just finished your best round of golf for the season and want to celebrate or you realize you haven’t eaten anything all day after a rough 9 holes, our pub has plenty of quick options to offer for everyone!

While at Royal Manchester, experience the links-style views overlooking our beautiful 18th hole from our patio or seated inside the pub. We offer a relaxed environment with impeccable bartending service. Treat yourself to the pleasures of a full bar and takeout menu.

Do you have an upcoming event and in need of a place to host your gathering? Reserve the patio &/or banquet room for your next gathering. Let our staff help design your next event and tailor a plan that fits just for you. Create new memories for friends and family by hosting your next event here with us!

rose and crown pub
Burger Basket

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